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Elf on a shelf

I learned about the recent “elf on a shelf” trend on the day after Thanksgiving, when the plane I was…
December 30, 2013


It’s age.  Why not tell it like it is? I wouldn’t be ornery if I were 24 or even 48. …
December 27, 2013

Learning Word

I don’t mean to speed ahead or jump out of order too quickly, baby Jesus just being born and all…
December 26, 2013

O, Holy Shit

A guest post by my partner and fellow minister, Jim Kast-Keat. A poem he wrote reflecting on the gravity of…
December 26, 2013

But Mary

On this Christmas Eve day as I prepare for some last-minute mayhem at some stores--and following my being out yesterday…
December 24, 2013

Sentimental Christmas

In one of the first entries of Preparing for Christmas, an Advent devotional by Father Richard Rohr, there is a…
December 23, 2013