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Painting Reality

What art captivates your attention? I remember the first time I walked through the Museum of Modern Art, I felt…
October 30, 2013

The Wrong Stuff

I was raised a space cadet in the 1960s, part of a generation absorbed and obsessed with astronauts and the…
October 28, 2013


Two weeks ago I went to the late showing of Gravity… by myself. Fitting, I guess. Alone, with my glasses on,…
October 26, 2013

What Set It Off?

I’ve been reading some of the flood of books coming out ahead of next year’s centennial of the start of…
October 25, 2013

As I see it

 Last week I was in New York for the Brooklyn classis meeting of the RCA. That’s the classis (local body…
October 21, 2013

All In

When she started playing, I thought, Whoa there, sister, dial it back! You have a whole concerto to get through…
October 19, 2013