Blog Predictable shadows A week ago Sunday night I sat on the front porch and watched the moon as it rose, full and…Jessica BrattOctober 5, 2015
Blog Sunday Collect for Grace, Peace, and Unity by Liz Niehoff O God, our maker and source of comfort and stability, in times of great waiting, tumult, and…Liz NiehoffOctober 4, 2015
Blog Japanese Autumn Lines Composed in an Autumn Reverie, on Visiting the Japanese Garden one Friday Afternoon, October 2015. …Debra RienstraOctober 2, 2015
Blog Holy Fool There has never been a great movie about John Brown. Seriously, hard as it is to believe, no one has…James C. SchaapOctober 2, 2015
Blog Pizza Rat Last week in New York City prior to the Pope’s arrival there was momentary buzz around a rat and a…Thomas GoodhartOctober 1, 2015
Blog Sexy Reformed A couple weeks ago I was one of the speakers at Why Christian?, a conference curated by Rachel Held Evans and Nadia…Jes KastSeptember 30, 2015
Blog What the Speaker Saw There are at least three times in life when we are not in control of what our faces look like…Scott HoezeeSeptember 29, 2015
Blog Competitive Parenting By Rebecca Koerselman Has parenting always been competitive? Or is it just the internet, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest that demonstrate…Rebecca KoerselmanSeptember 28, 2015
Blog Watching the Water by David Pettit I tie flies in the spring. One can actually fish year round in Colorado. But I learned…David PettitSeptember 27, 2015
Blog The Rest of Your Life I’ve just finished the first two weeks of the rest of my life. As a few of you know, and…James BrattSeptember 26, 2015