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Some Good News

By January 19, 2017 3 Comments

by Kate Kooyman

Need some good news?

Me too.

My four-year old has a killer cold — ear infection and all — and he’s successfully spread it to his kinfolk. I feel gross, and tired.

My go-to escape is Facebook, but all I find there right now is one horrifying clip after another of senate confirmation hearings.  

So I don’t have a lot of positive thoughts today, or wisdom or passion or ideas. I desperately need some hope, though.

So here’s a list of what’s cheering me up today. (Can I ask you: What am I missing? If you would share your stories of light, life, hope, and goodness in the comments, it would do my day-before-the-inauguration heart good.)

18 Christians were arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court in protest of the death penalty.

John Pavlovitz had some great advice for a faithful Inauguration Day.

Over 700 congregations have pledged to participate in the New Sanctuary Movement in solidarity with vulnerable immigrants.

Killing it at the box office: “Hidden Figures” (which is not a franchised action film with a trademark line of toys)  

Women are marching in DC and everywhere else this weekend.

God is at work — in me, in you, in our world.

Be encouraged.


Kate Kooyman

Rev. Kate Kooyman is a minister of the Reformed Church in America who lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


  • Sara Tolsma says:

    I am a scientist and a Christian. In light of the change in administration and a post-truth culture, I see scientists mobilizing like never before. They are taking responsibility for and planning to better educate the public about how science works, what science is and does, why we can trust science, and they are stepping out to confront science-deniers in lots of forms (climate, vaccines, evolution, etc.). This brings me hope.

  • Debra Rienstra says:

    Lake Michigan is still and gorgeous today, a rich palate of blue and sand. Eternal.

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