Featured Articles
An Insurrectionist Set Free
A raucous mob of religious stalwarts gathered on a day centuries ago outside a palace. Like many of those gathered in the Capitol on January 6, they were religious folks who had a bone to pick with the government and a desire to see their weakened nation become great again. They were there “to ask Pilate to do for them what he usually did at that time”—release a prisoner.
Featured Articles
Tears and the River of Life
The God of the scriptures does not have a heart of steel; God has a heart of flesh, a bleeding heart, and God has eyes that weep. The love of God opens the heart of God to the world, and binds God to the beloved world and its creatures.
Drawing 101
While many art classes were designed to enhance creativity, this drawing class mostly helped us learn to draw realistically and accurately. I enjoyed this extended
Sabbath for the Restless: Rediscovering God’s Gift of Rest
Sabbath rest offers a glimpse of eternity. Hebrews 4:9-10 reminds us, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters
Jimmy Carter’s Lonely Pilgrimage and Lasting Legacy
It was Carter’s election as President which made “evangelical” and “born again” public terms rather than the private vocabulary of a minority religious community. Ken
We live in the tension of God’s sovereignty and terrible things happening. We live in the mystery of God’s unfolding plan for creation’s salvation and
The Changing Nature of Pastoral Roles: A Retirement Reflection
Though I’ve had my share of compliments on my preaching, there was nary a mention at my retirement dinner of any particular sermon. “Being there”
Finding the Heart of COP29
Baku is a city of 2.5 million people, halfway around the world from my home in Michigan. What would my knowledge of tree names in
Latest from the Blog
Daily blog by our regular bloggers & guest contributors.
Compassion and Stooping Low
Then, he cried with me. There were few words exchanged, but I don’t remember any of them. But I do remember him just sitting with
Befriending the Meanest Man in the World
What would it mean to have the meanest man in the world, a person hostile to causes that you were deeply committed to, as a
Divine Pulse
I invite you to take a few moments to enter a time of meditation and contemplation.
Discourse Trauma
The news media reports on all this, of course, so our little brains are filled with the ugliest discourse-sludge. Here’s my point: the discourse itself
Lessons Learned in the Land of Oz
The Wicked movie awakened a force inside me that I had almost forgotten. I was suddenly awake to its symbolism and deeper messages. How did
Scratching at the mud
This is the dilemma of the herbivore in winter–the urgency of needing calories when the calories are most scarce.
Entering the Hall
I had always found baseball the most boring of sports, but early 1990s baseball in Seattle–the era of Ken Griffey, Jr, Edgar Martinez, Randy Johnson–made
In a More Civilized Country
Meanwhile, to the North, in that other democracy, the Prime Minister has resigned, effective soon. Not a good time, because Canada is at war —
Life in Flux: Navigational Skills to Guide and Ground You in an Ever-Changing World
Life in Flux is more than a book; it’s a lifeline for those adrift in uncertain times. By confronting cultural myths and presenting God’s timeless
How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told
Harrison Scott Key’s How to Stay Married is a story of trauma, past and present, a marriage gone off the rails with two wounded partners
For Our Daughters
While this film doesn’t trace how segments of the church ended up with a culture of toxic masculinity and prevalent sexual abuse (there are resources
What About Evolution? A Biologist, Pastor, and Theologian Answer Your Questions
Imagine being in a room with a biologist, a pastor, and a theologian, where you can freely ask any questions about evolution, and they each
The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore
As old institutions across America struggle for relevance today, this important book reminds us that there are simple things we can do to help preserve
Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies
Wright and Bird contend that we will not have an adequate account of Christian political witness if we do not keep together the cross and
Defiant Hope, Active Love: What Young Adults Are Seeking in Places of Work, Faith, and Community
This book had gems of prophetic insight, but I was left wanting more.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.
. . . the movie presents Bonhoeffer’s overall witness and life in public theaters across the country to many thousands who may have barely known
You Said, Let There Be Light
You said, Let there be light, and there was light. And you saw that the light was good …
Jesus, Son of Gop
On the night he was supposed to be betrayed, Jesus strapped on a Glock under his cloak, just in case the breastplate of righteousness didn’t
Unnoticed except by their Maker, my wife and me–a dozen sparrows blissful at their ablutions …
Near Death
We drove nails into His wrists, air reeking of animal remains and criminal bodies piled next to the horse trough …
Make a Joyful Noise
meaning click tongue when crossing the street for joy of having legs …
November Cold
Ice crusted sheets over November puddles bespeak more of the future than this cold day …
“You Said Let There Be Light” by Michael Zysk
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Michael Zysk about his poem “You Said, Let There
“Life Beneath” by Matthew Pullar
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma interviews Matthew Pullar about his poem “Life Beneath.” Pullar is a poet
“Jesus Son of Gop” by Sarah M. Wells
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Sarah M. Wells about her poem “Jesus Son of GOP.” is the
“Near Death” by Zoie Jones
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Zoie Jones about her poem “Near Death.” Jones lives
“Make A Joyful Noise” by Abigail Carroll
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Abigail Carroll about her poem “Make A Joyful Noise.”
“November Cold” by Dave Warners
In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal, Rose Postma interviews Dave Warners about his poem “November Cold.” Beginning in 1997, Warners