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Scott Hoezee

Scott Hoezee is Director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary.

Advent Surrender

It has become a sign of the season right along with lights appearing on the neighbors' shrubbery and listening to…
December 10, 2013

Seeing People

During this Thanksgiving Day week here in the United States, I am reminded of an anecdote I ran across some…
November 26, 2013

Stubborn Evils

Our daughter's semester abroad this Fall gave my wife and me the opportunity last week to visit the country of…
November 12, 2013


Some words stick with you longer than others for reasons hard to identify.   One such word is "aggiornamento," which I…
October 1, 2013

Not Weary Enough

To begin, let me be clear that most everything I am about to note in this blog applies as much…
September 17, 2013


If you are someone who is instantly turned off by the kind of blog (or any kind of writing) whose…
September 3, 2013

Web Crosscurrents

Once upon a time comedian Bill Maher poked good-natured fun of religion and the church.   My family and I love…
August 20, 2013