Spotty Memories By Rebecca Koerselman If you are a historian, you are required to like museums. And musty old books in…Rebecca KoerselmanMay 25, 2015
Gender Goes Camping By Rebecca Koerselman When examining religious traditions, including my own Reformed tradition, I’ve been fascinated by the ways that parents…Rebecca KoerselmanMay 11, 2015
Making Value Judgments by Rebecca Koerselman Teaching history requires me to walk a fine line between understanding and judgment. On the one hand,…Rebecca KoerselmanApril 27, 2015
Looking at the Past with Rose-Colored Glasses by Rebecca Koerselman Our first apartment, while small, contained a novelty I had never enjoyed firsthand: free cable. I rarely…Rebecca KoerselmanApril 13, 2015
Musings of a (former) Roller Derby Queen By Rebecca Koerselman When was the last time that you deliberately joined a group of people that you knew were…Rebecca KoerselmanMarch 30, 2015
Kiddos and the Bible by Rebecca Koerselman Have you ever read the Bible to a child? Or teens? If so, how do you manage…Rebecca KoerselmanMarch 16, 2015
Why do non-historians write the cool history books (that people actually read)? Today we welcome Rebecca Koerselman to The Twelve. Rebecca teaches history at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. Thanks, Rebecca.…Rebecca KoerselmanMarch 2, 2015