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Katy Sundararajan

Katy enjoys writing here at the Reformed Journal about the small things that give us pause and point us to great wonder, the things that make our hearts glad and remind us of where our hope comes from. You can find more of Katy’s writing through Words of Hope free daily devotionals, and in Guideposts’ All God’s Creatures: Daily Devotions for Animal Lovers. Give Katy a good book, a pretty view, or a meal around the table with laughing people and she’ll say, “All is well.”


It can take all day for a pound of ground beef to thaw on the counter. I know this because…
June 8, 2024


The thing that I find myself asking during this season is, “What am I being filled with?” During times of…
April 13, 2024

All Abuzz

I’ve been both giddy and annoyed recently by the way that “story” has been trending in the public sphere. We…
September 23, 2023

Right on Time

Every moment of every day, of every week, month, or year, while the clock does its ticking, we live... And…
August 26, 2023