She is Called
by Jes Kast My colleagues here on The Twelve are sharing excellent reasons why you should give and financially support The Twelve and Perspectives Journal.
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by Jes Kast My colleagues here on The Twelve are sharing excellent reasons why you should give and financially support The Twelve and Perspectives Journal.
I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; before the “gods” I will sing your praise. – Psalm 138:1 My mother is famous for writing thank
For I am convinced that death…will not be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans
Why was it so hard to post that on my Facebook this week? Have I internalized what shouldn’t be normal as normal? Have I learned
“The world feels high lonesome and heartbroken to me right now. We’ve sorted ourselves into fractions based on our politics and ideology. We’ve turned away
I (Jes Kast) am so happy to welcome back Marcy Rudins this week! Growing up near Chicago, it always seemed like we had to go,
A Word from Jes…Sometimes I enjoy highlighting other women who you may, or may not, know in our reformed life who I believe are saying
Micah 6:8 is a championed verse among progressive, social justice minded ministers of the Gospel. We love the prophet’s heralding of believers to do justice
In just a few days I will be indulging in the remaining days of summer on Lake Michigan with loved ones. My thoughts are held
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