Blog Random Thoughts about Star Wars: The Force Awakens Jennifer Holberg is away today, stuck in an airport or snowbank somewhere. We welcome back Twelve Hall-of-Famer, Jeff Munroe. Jeff…Jeff MunroeDecember 30, 2015
Blog In Praise of Quitting By Jeff Munroe There’s a billboard out by the highway featuring a picture of John Wayne in all his western…Jeff MunroeJune 8, 2015
Blog Sabbatical I am of the considered opinion that no one cares how busy other people are. I don’t. I sit in…Jeff MunroeFebruary 16, 2015
Blog Sweetness and Sorrow It is one of those days when I'm a thousand miles from home attempting to navigate through the latest winter…Jeff MunroeFebruary 1, 2015
Blog Happy MLK Day Instead of using your time on this MLK Day to read the musings of a middle-aged white guy, I suggest…Jeff MunroeJanuary 19, 2015
Blog The Problem with the Future It is 2015, the year Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future II, and media outlets everywhere…Jeff MunroeJanuary 5, 2015
Blog Movies I Wish Dictators Stopped From Being Released Just when you thought nothing significant could come out of Hollywood, North Korea and their always fun supreme leader Kim…Jeff MunroeDecember 22, 2014
Blog White Like Me “Nobody gave me anything.” I have heard variations of this statement recently, as race has been a topic of national…Jeff MunroeDecember 7, 2014
Blog Norm’s Modest (yet Revolutionary) Idea to Increase the Quality of Preaching Then he said Amen and sat down. I have never in my life…Jeff MunroeNovember 10, 2014
Blog My Two AM Twitter Feed (with apologies to Larry King) I’m not on Twitter, but thankfully Larry King is. Did you see his wee-hours-of-the-morning Twitter fest the other day? For…Jeff MunroeOctober 27, 2014