A Wide and Generous Space
My experience as an RJ writer and reader is that even though we’re a small operation, you’ll find yourself invited into a surprisingly big tent.
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My experience as an RJ writer and reader is that even though we’re a small operation, you’ll find yourself invited into a surprisingly big tent.
God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by subtracting. – Meister Eckhart This summer my wife Tammy and I spent a
Here we are, just eight days away from the presidential election. For us preachers, that means only one more Sunday before our parishioners head to
Dear Reader,On August 14 of this year, my wife Tammy and I celebrated twenty-five years of marriage. I can hardly believe it’s been a quarter
He ushered us into the sanctuary, to a reserved section up front, smiled warmly and gestured with his hand for us to be seated. It
It’s now been almost two weeks since the first presidential debate. Words like “disaster,” “debacle,” and “embarrassment” have been used to describe it. Neither candidate
We have a family ritual of gathering around the television on Sunday nights to watch the hit show “America Idol.” Now in its 22nd season,
We think that Paradise and Calvarie,Christ’s Crosse and Adam’s tree, stood in one place.Looke, Lord, and finde both Adams met in me;As the first Adam’s
Recently while digging through boxes, I found a decorative cross that belonged to my grandmother. I’m not sure if she made it herself or if
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