by Jes Kast

My colleagues here on The Twelve are sharing excellent reasons why you should give and financially support The Twelve and Perspectives Journal. They are kind, thoughtful, and smart people, and we are blessed to be in conversation together and with you. We’ve created a community here and I know each one of us is grateful for the opportunity to be able to share in this community with you. That in itself is reason to give.

Here is why giving to The Twelve is personally important to me.

Yes, I  have enjoyed writing for The Twelve and the conversations we share here, but it has been a place that has opened up more doors of ministry for me. Writing opportunities and speaking gigs (all paid opportunities of employment) have come my way because someone has found my work here important to them.

By financially supporting The Twelve and Perspectives you are directly supporting women in ministry and helping ensure greater equality in the church. The Twelve is place that has supported and opened the door for many women in ministry. Thank you!

Thank you for your support. Thank you for the many ways we have encouraged each other. The Twelve, both the bloggers and you–the readers, has become a community that is very important to me personally, and you have impacted me far beyond our humble blog.

Please consider giving to The Twelve today, and know that your giving is supporting more equity and opportunities for women in ministry!

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