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That Explains It

By April 1, 2016 2 Comments

People say the church is going to heck in a handbasket and now I have proof. An anonymous inside source provided me with the bulletin below, the actual bulletin handed out for the Friday chapel service at a prominent local seminary. This is where future pastors are trained, people! If you find yourself driving home from church on Sunday muttering about “worship these days,” well, it’s no wonder.

april fools p1   april fools p2april fools p3

Please do not blame me for this travesty. Talk to Kyle Small. It’s mostly his fault. And you can blame Ron Rienstra, too.


Debra Rienstra

I am a writer and literature professor, teaching literature and creative writing at Calvin University, where I have been on the faculty since 1996. Born and bred in the Reformed tradition, I’ve been unable to resist writing four books about theological topics: beware the writer doing theology without a license. My most recent book is Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth (Fortress, 2022). Besides the books, I’ve written well over two hundred essays for the RJ blog as well as numerous articles, poems, and reviews in popular and scholarly contexts. I have a B.A. from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) and a M.A. and Ph.D. from Rutgers. I am married to Rev. Dr. Ron Rienstra, and together we have three grown children. Besides reading and writing, I love classical music, science fiction, fussing in the yard, hiking, and teaching myself useful skills like plant identification and—maybe someday—drywall repair.


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