The kingdom of heaven is like…

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls;  on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. –Matthew 13:44-46


Every Tuesday I lead a soup kitchen in Manhattan. We worship together and then we eat together. We serve 100-200 people. I have big-hearted, committed volunteers who show up to serve with humility and joy. I see the kingdom of heaven in our midst each week. Inspired by Matthew 13, I wrote this after our soup kitchen.


The kingdom of heaven is like a young student saving his money to buy the dessert for our soup kitchen in order that everyone would have a sweet treat.

The kingdom of heaven is like a man asking for socks, I told him we don’t have any today, and then another person gives him his pair.

The kingdom of heaven is the woman who asks “There’s got to be more ways we can serve and meet the needs” and stays until the last person is done eating.

The kingdom of heaven is like a woman saying “I’m not sure I believe in all this religion, but I know I experience God when we’re together.”

The kingdom of heaven is like the woman who was homeless, who now has a home, and now empowers the rest of our homeless community to recognize their power.

The kingdom of heaven is  like the man who attends our soup kitchen and volunteers when he is done eating to clean and make sure everyone is safe.

The kingdom of heaven is like the joy of the chili and rice at soup kitchen.

The kingdom of heaven is like  the ten individuals, poor and affluent, writing their stories and sharing how they understand life.

The kingdom of heaven is here and it’s full of love. May all who have eyes to see, see.


Where have you seen the kingdom of heaven this week? What does it look like in your part of the world?


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